Warsaw European Conversation

United Europe should become the pillar of NATO

Takeaway 2023-05-31
Russian aggression has changed Europe's perception of its security environment. A new model of relations within NATO is now being forged.


The war has transformed the Europeans' perception of the world. During the panel "The long war in Europe: defence strategy for a continent in need", Nathalie Tocci, director of Istituto Affari Internazionali, said that Russian aggression made Europeans aware of the need to work on common security. European institutions responsible for this area had been created earlier but were not designed to deal with a conventional conflict. An equally significant "Copernican revolution" was the understanding that security in Europe cannot be built with Russia. However, according to Pierre Haroche, a professor at Queen Mary University, more EU-oriented thinking is needed in some countries, such as France, where policymakers often think first about what is good for Paris and then what is good for everyone.

We should not separate cooperation within NATO from the EU's strategic autonomy. According to Haroche, European security efforts can be integrated into efforts to attain strategic autonomy. This will make the EU an effective actor within NATO. Strengthening the European defence industry will be crucial. In his opinion, the issue of creating an EU defence budget should be considered - in this vision, the Alliance would be responsible for strategic planning, and the EU would provide equipment. However, according to Dominik Jankowski, a political adviser in the Office of the NATO Secretary General, this would require a significant increase in European defence spending. Jankowski also pointed out the need for the allies to achieve the assumed goals - not only in terms of funding but also in the development of their own defence capabilities.

NATO must balance the European and Asian theatres. Jankowski stressed that Europe's support for Ukraine is a way of showing what the EU's support for the US in the dispute with China could look like in the future. The West's cooperation with Kyiv is multi-level - it includes both the sanctions as well as equipment and training assistance. According to Tocci, Europe's growing dependence on the US may have undesirable consequences, as successive US presidents may focus on Asia, which will weaken Washington's support for Europe. As a result, according to Harroche, Europe's long-term strategic planning should take into account the fact that by 2027 the Chinese army is to achieve the capabilities to attack Taiwan.

Ukraine is set on the road to joining the Alliance. Jankowski said that Ukraine is going to become a member of NATO, although the exact timetable is unknown. This membership will increase Europe's potential within NATO. The war changed the optics of various alliances within NATO with regard to enlargement. Previously, it was Washington that pushed for the NATO expansion and Central European countries supported this policy, while Western Europe blocked the process. Today, the countries of Central and Northern Europe continue to support enlargement, Western Europe is slowly coming to terms with this process, and the United States is trying to slow it down.

EU and NATO partners must jointly develop strategies for action. Tocci believes that the Russian aggression against Ukraine proved that the strategic documents developed in the pre-war period were necessary. Jankowski stressed the need for cooperation in the field of mobility of military equipment between the EU and NATO. No one is discussing this topic now, because the system created before the war works flawlessly, allowing, among other things, free movement of equipment. Currently, in the capitals of NATO and EU member states, there is a greater political will to cooperate and work out common positions. According to the panellists, this readiness should be properly used.

the bottom line

The thoughts shared by our guests indicate that the transatlantic security system is adapting to the reality in which Russia is an adversary, not a partner, China may be a risk, while the United States must divide its involvement between the European and Asian theatres. However, NATO and the European Union are reluctant to formulate confrontational strategies for the time being and prefer ongoing cooperation even in areas that require strategic arrangements. In order for the adaptation to the existential threat in Europe to be effective, cooperation between the EU and NATO must be deepened and the defence role of European countries increased.

Marek Świerczyński contributed to this analysis.

* The Warsaw European Conversation conference was organised by Polityka Insight and the European Council on Foreign Relations. The event's partners included Orange, Deloitte, European Climate Foundation, McDonald's, Nexity, Polish Association of Developers, Veolia, Visa and Żabka Group.

Write to author
Kacper Wańczyk
fmr. Analyst for Eurasian Affairs
Kacper Wańczyk
PI Alert

EU summit: Member States launch discussion on financing joint defence initiatives

State of play

Leaders approved appointments to top posts. At the EU summit that ended on Thursday night, they nominated Ursula von der Leyen for a second term as head of EurCom, former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa as head of EurCou and Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas as head of EU diplomacy. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni abstained from voting for von der Leyen and voted against Costa and Kallas. This means that Meloni is preparing for tough negotiations and may demand a high political price in return for his party's support for von der Leyen in her approval in the EurParl. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán voted against von der Leyen and abstained on Kallas.

They adopted the Union's strategic agenda for 2024-2029. Over the next five years, the Union's goals include a successful digital and green transformation by "pragmatically" pursuing the path to climate neutrality by 2050. Another objective is to strengthen the EU's security and defence capabilities.

Von der Leyen spoke of EUR 500 billion for defence over a decade. This was the EurCom estimate of needed EU investment presented by its head at the EurCou meeting. Poland and France were among the countries that expected the EurCom to present possible options for financing defence investments before the summit, such as EU financing of common expenditure from a common borrowing. This idea was strongly opposed by Germany and the Netherlands, among others. In the end, von der Leyen decided to postpone the debate until after the constitution of the new EurCom, i.e. in the autumn. And the summit - after von der Leyen's oral presentation - only launched a preliminary debate on possible joint financing of defence projects.

Poland has submitted two defence projects. These might be co-financed by EU funds. On the eve of the summit, Poland and Greece presented in writing a detailed concept for an air defence system for the Union (Shield and Spear), which Prime Ministers Donald Tusk and Kyriakos Mitostakis had put forward - in a more general form - in May. In addition, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia presented the idea of jointly strengthening the defence infrastructure along the EU's borders with Russia and Belarus. Poland is pushing for the EU to go significantly beyond its current plans to support the defence industry with EU funds and agree to spend money on defence projects similar to the two proposals. But EU states are far from a consensus on the issue.

Zelensky signed a security agreement with the Union. The document, signed by President Volodymyr Zelensky in Brussels, commits all member states and the EU as a whole to "help Ukraine defend itself, resist efforts to destabilise it and deter future acts of aggression". The document recalls the EUR 5 billion the EU intends to allocate for military aid and training in 2024 (in addition to bilateral aid from EU countries to Kyiv). It says that "further comparable annual increases could be envisaged until 2027, based on Ukrainian needs" i.e. it could amount to up to EUR 20 billion. Ukraine's agreement with the EU comes on top of the bilateral security "guarantees" Ukraine has already signed with a dozen countries (including the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy). As Prime Minister Donald Tusk confirmed in Brussels, talks are also underway between Ukraine and Poland on the text of mutual commitments on security issues.

PI Alert

KO wins elections to the European Parliament

KO received 38.2 per cent of the vote and PiS 33.9 per cent, according to an exit poll by IPSOS. Konfederacja came in third with 11.9 per cent, followed by Trzecia Droga with 8.2 per cent, Lewica with 6.6 per cent, Bezpartyjni Samorządowcy with 0.8 per cent and Polexit with 0.3 per cent. According to the exit poll, KO gained 21 seats, PiS 19, Konfederacja 6, Trzecia Droga 4 and Lewica gained 3. The turnout was 39.7 per cent.

According to the European Parliament's first projection, the centre-right European People's Party (EPP), which includes, among others, PO and PSL, will remain the largest force with 181 MEPs in the 720-seat Parliament. The centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D), whose members include the Polish Lewica, should have 135 seats, whereas the liberal Renew Europe club (including Polska 2050) will have 82 seats. This gives a total of 398 seats to the coalition of these three centrist factions (EPP, S&D and Renew Europe) on which the European Commission under Ursula von der Leyen has relied on so far. The Green faction wins 53 seats according to the same projection, the European Conservatives and Reformists faction (including PiS) 71 seats and the radical right-wing Identity and Democracy 62 seats.
